Welcome, September…
I am a WINTER person, I love the cold months, the snow, the Holidays…even my birthday is in the WINTER….. but I LOVE the FALL of the Year…and September means “Fall” to me (regardless of what the actual calendar states). I love when the temperatures begin to drop, the rustling of crisp leaves, the smell of a bonfire, the excitement of High School sports, hayrides, Fall Festivals, etc. I LOVE it ALL! This year, things are different and not our “normal” way of welcoming the Season, but that does not mean we cannot enjoy it. Take time to plan some new ways to welcome Fall, regardless of where you live. Enjoy a simple dinner outside, a hike on a nearby trail, a car ride down an old country road. Life is what we make of it…and God has blessed us with another beautiful month to enjoy. So, get out and “Welcome, September” the best way you can!