“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
I love old things…old dishes, old pictures, old stories, old traditions. I always joke that I was born 20 years too late. I love the old tradition of “family”. I love the memories of my family and get togethers with extended family…I cannot tell you what was said, or what we ate, but I can tell you of the love and laughter that was always present. Things seemed so simple, parents worked, kids went to school, the evenings were spent with chores before dinner, a family meal together, then homework or more chores before saying your prayers and going to bed. On Saturday mornings, kids watched cartoons before doing chores around the house. Sundays were spent going to church, then to grandparents homes to maybe have a meal or visit with other family members.
The picture above is one I have admired for a long time at a local store. Yesterday, my husband and I went in and purchased it. It was an inexpensive purchase, but this picture is priceless to me. It represents a time gone by…a time when God was the center of our lives, as represented by the church in the background of this picture. No matter what was going on in our world, one thing remained steadfast and true…God and church were the foundation of our lives. We worshipped the Risen Saviour and enjoyed Christian fellowship with our church family…this came first in our lives.
If you study this picture in its old wooden frame, you’ll notice a couple walking together on the sidewalk, perhaps on their way to visit friends..a lady walking her dog, a lady walking in direction of the church –perhaps she is the pianist on her way to prepare for the Sunday service–and the postman out making his daily deliveries. The street is lined with homes and budding shrubs, and there in the heart of the picture is the church, God’s house…right there in the center….just like He should be in our lives today.
Today, I hope you know the Risen Saviour, Jesus Christ…and you realize how we need to seek God first, then let Him order the priorities of our lives for true joy, peace, hope and comfort.
Blessings to You-