Happy 2021, My Friends! After this past year, I believe we can ALL agree that a fresh new year is a welcoming sight! This is the time we typically make resolutions and plans for a prosperous future. If last year taught me anything, it was to just take each day as it comes and look for and work for the best…we cannot control most situations, but we can control how we react and respond. My “goal” is to take a step back from quick reactions and focus my energy on doing good and spreading cheer…hopefully a little of each through this little blog!
FUN FACTS: January honors Janus, the Roman god of doorways; hence, the god of beginnings. Janus was always featured with two faces…one looking towards the future and one facing the past. January is the perfect time to look forward to a great new start, while remembering lessons taught by the past year. (Source: Betty Crocker’s Cooking Calendar, 1962)
Thank you for following along…and get ready for a brand new year of fun, food and friendly tips!
Here’s to a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2021 to You and Yours! God Bless Us, Each and Every One!
FOLLOW ALONG: Facebook: The Simple Season / Instagram: thesimpleseasonblog